Sunday, October 10, 2010

To touch His robe.

I wish I could take credit for this because it's really great but I actually found it on another blog. This guy is someone I have never met but his blog is incredible and inspires me to become better. He is a faithful member of the Church but has always struggled with same gender attraction. He is an incredible example of overcoming our weaknesses and temptations and turning to the Lord to help us through our darkest moments. Every time I read his posts my testimony is strengthened. This is just one of the many he has written but I wanted to share it. Enjoy

There's a story in the New Testament I always thought I understood. A woman with an issue of blood spent her life and life's savings trying to find a way to be healed. She worked with doctors, physicians, and people from all over the world... each who willingly took her money, leaving her poorer and poorer. Finally she was left with nothing. And then she heard that Jesus was walking through the streets near her home. "If I can but touch the hem of his robes," she thought, "I will be healed." And so she covered herself, pushed through the crowd, and reached out to catch the edge of His robe. In that moment, her pain disappeared. The issue of blood stopped. Christ turned, and after speaking with His disciples, spoke to her. "Woman, be of good cheer. Thy faith hath made thee whole."

I had always thought that this scripture was for people with great physical trials - that their faith would have the power to heal them if they just had enough and would just show it. Later, I thought that it extended to all those who struggle with major difficulties and trials in life - a promise that He would someday heal us. But I now realize that Christ wasn't speaking about touching His robe or asking for a miracle in life. He was teaching her, and all those following, a lesson on faith.

The true miracle of this story didn't come when the woman touched His robe. And, while impressive, the true miracle was not when the issue of blood stopped. The true miracle was the change in her heart - a willingness to submit to the will of the Lord and faith that He would bless her no matter what happened. It came because she had kept her faith, through difficult times, when everyone else in the world told her it was hopeless. It came because, though she had been deemed "unclean" by her ailment for decades, she held fast to the principles she knew to be true. It happened because she had done everything possible and finally given her life to the Lord. She changed her perspective - from one of expecting that money and power could heal her... to placing her trust in the Lord. And the healing of her issue of blood was just a symbol of the greater, more lasting change that had happened within her heart.

I used to think that simply doing everything I could would help me. That I could do it on my own. Then I realized that I needed to rely on the Lord, and expected Him to take away my grief. Now, I turn to Him and willingly place my life in His hands.

I don't know what tomorrow brings. But I know that God loves me, that He is involved in my life, that I can be happy and fulfilled in this life, and that, someday, if I am faithful, I will inherit all the blessings He has promised me. If the Savior stood beside me tomorrow and I could reach out to touch His robe, I would. But, if not, the greater miracle has already happened in my life.